Follow your heart

Do you know the difference between the voice of your heart and the voice of your ego?

You probably do but you might find it harder to follow your heart’s voice because it’s not as loud as your ego’s voice.

Your heart’s calling is felt in your heart chakra and in your solar plexus. It is a feeling that stirs your soul with a warm tingle.

While your ego’s talk comes from your mind; it is a thought and not a feeling.

Throughout my years as a video journalist and during my time as an energy practitioner, I witnessed many people living unfulfilling lives because they had not prioritised listening to their heart. 

Instead, they prioritised other people’s judgments about how they should live their lives and although they had achieved material success, many of them were deeply unfulfilled 

Here is the reason why;

Your heart expresses innate feeling and desire, and your solar plexus is your arena of success, confidence and excitement.

When the heart and solar plexus work together, they tell you your passion; you’ll feel joy and find that you have the enthusiasm to create this path with ease. It is usually aligned with your Higher purpose.  You’ll feel good and have a strong calling to pursue a certain calling.

If you follow this feeling you can create an epic life filled with everything that brings you joy.  

When you pursue a life that does not enable your highest potential to unfold you’ll always feel that something is missing.  No matter what, life will feel unfulfilled.  

Things will never be enough and you will be in an endless pattern of chasing fulfilment.

Choose to follow your heart’s calling to creates a happy, loving and fulfilling life.  


Honour Yourself